
Our Healthy Community Initiative
Sign-Up Now For FREE Vitamins For The Entire Family! Check out the info below.
Cascade Pharmacy Vitamin Program:
We have decided to supply FREE MULTI-VITAMINS for the entire family, every month - No Strings Attached. Why are we doing this?! What is the catch?! There is no catch. We just strongly believe that healthy people build a healthy community. Taking your vitamins everyday is just one way to achieve that. So, come down and sign up for our Monthly Free Vitamin program. It is that easy! Kid's Chewable, Women's Formula, Men's Formula, 50+ are all available.
How It Works:
Simply come down to Cascade Pharmacy and speak to one of our friendly team members, or give us a call to request the Free Vitamin program. We will then take down your information and fill you and your family's vitamins for a month at a time. When you would like a refill for the following month, just give us a call and request the refill and then pick it up each month. It's that easy.
Free vitamin program is extended to the immediate family of the filling member. Spouses and children are considered immediate family.